Centering Black Voices

A community engaged program of research committed to affirming the humanity of Black boys, men, and families through trauma-informed praxis that prevents violence promotes healing and advances racial equity. Check out the launch of our In All Ways Human visual storytelling and narrative change campaign!

Our Mission

Centering Black Voices aims to Affiirm Humanity, Prevent Violence, and Promote Healing in the Lives of Black Boys, Men, and Families through Research and Action.

Centering Black Voices emerged from a community engaged research study that interviewed young Black men (ages 18-24) in Baltimore about the transition into adulthood. When asked to describe their neighborhoods, young Black men answered by sharing their stories of witnessing, experiencing, and losing friends and family members to violence. We listened.

In All Ways

Using portraits, our photovoice project disrupts the dehumanizing narrative of Black male criminality by replacing mugshot images the media widely circulates with images that foreground the humanity, resilience, and value of intergenerational Black boys and men in Baltimore.

Connect With US

Interested in connecting with the Centering Black Voices team? Learn more about how to engage with us and our lab members.